Messerschmitt Bf 109E
1/24th scale
unassembled plastic model kit
Still in factory sealed shrink wrap box
Mint Condition
Never Opened
Perfect gift to that special model airplane builder
HELLER kit # 80496
1/24 scale
150 pieces
It is a Heller kit consisting of platic parts made from Airfix mold - unique
Length: nearly 15 inches
Wingspan: over 16 inches
Unassembled plastic model kit
BIG BOX Measures: 27" X 13" X 3"
A few extra notes:
Brief history of the Bf-109
Design of the plane was started in 1934 by professor Willy Messerschmitt who was working at the Bavarian Aircraft Factory.
His basic goal was to fit the largest engine he could into the smallest body possible with as few parts as possible.
The Bf designation came from the factory where the plane was first designed, Bayerische Flugzeugwerke.
The plane first flew in 1936 and was first shown in public at the 1936 Olympics held in Germany.
It was flown extensively in the Spanish Civil War by German pilots.
Willy Messerschmitt obtained the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke company in the summer of 1938 and renamed the company Messerschmitt AG.
The planes designed after that date were designated “Me”, and the 109 was referred to by both the Bf and the Me designations during World War II.
The 109 was one of the most produced fighter plane in history with 33,984 having been produced through April 1945.
The plane was produced in Spain up until 1954, and a total of over 35,000 109s were produced world wide.
(Spanish-made 109s were used in the movie The Battle of Briton.)
The plane's design was constantly updated before and during the war with major changes leading to a new alphabetical designation.
While most famous in the west for its involvement in the Battle of Briton and its dogfights with British Spitfires, it enjoyed its greatest success on the Eastern front against Russian pilots.
Erich Hartmann, the World's top scoring fighter ace with a claim of 352 victories, flew the Bf-109G, of which he said: "It was very maneuverable, and it was easy to handle.
It speeded up very fast, if you dived a little.
And in the acrobatics maneuver, you could spin with the 109, and go very easy out of the spin.
The only problems occurred during takeoff.
It had a strong engine, and a small, narrow-tread undercarriage.
If you took off too fast it would turn [roll] ninety degrees away.
We lost a lot of pilots in takeoffs."
When flown by the Finns against the Soviets, the 109G had a victory ratio of 25:1 in favor of the Finns.
They shot down 25 Soviet planes for every 109G that they lost in combat.
On the History Channel a "Great Planes" episode on the 109 said more were lost on takeoffs and landings than to enemy action.
More then 30% or the Bf-109s were destroyed in accidents taking off and landing.
This problem was especially acute with new pilots.
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Roland Dressler
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